This is post #8 from the series My Startup Journey where I share the LifeHQ startup journey. The current status of LifeHQ: It is in Beta with around 200 users, but 0 paying users. This is your chance to follow my journey while facing uncertainties and obstacles left and right while building my first business. I share what I’m working on, what fires I’m putting out, what obstacles I’m facing, both real and imaginary and my plans for the future.


This will be a quick one guys. I will share some screenshots of the past few days. But first I want to share something from my productivity experiments.

Reset hour

I started introducing a reset hour whenever I feel my productivity decreasing. The idea of a reset hour is to not have any inputs in my brain whatsoever. This includes no looking at my phone, no internet, no TV, no reading. Simply sitting, lounging or stretching. Maybe walking. I did this from 6pm to 7pm this evening and it felt great. I highly recommend you to try it.

Work in progress screenshots

Work stats page

The work stats page for now only shows your pomodoro session. Total per week or per project. In the future we will set productivity targets here, daily or weekly and will try to hit them during the week. I also plan to track and show stats for deep vs shallow work.


I decided to go with bold headings and only one plan that includes everything. There are only two options about the type of payment, monthly or annually.

Billing Status

After you pay you can see your receipts and options for updating or canceling your subscription:


Plans for tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be improving on the Work module to keep track of your work cycles even when the whole session hasn’t been completed.

Until tomorrow.

Stay hungry.