Roadmap Update #8: Scheduling tasks and weekly planner update
Hey all, Welcome to another Roadmap update #8. Today I’m introducing one new feature and one improvement. New feature: Scheduling tasks indefinitely in the future I often find myself putting too much tasks on my daily list and wanting to reschedule some for tomorrow or…
Productivity systems are like diet plans
These two unrelated practices: diet plans and productivity tools are actually solving the same psychological problem in two different areas, health and productivity. They are making it easier to apply the basic principles to transform your health and productivity. Why diets work We all know…
Improve your personal productivity | 5 steps for beginners
Do you remember how you got started on your personal productivity journey? I know mine was a mess, I tried a combination of desktop and mobile apps, notepads, bullet journals, you name it. I tried everything without a compass and that’s why it took me…
Take control of your career and professional success with personal side projects
Build your portfolio and resume When getting out of college or university, no one has real experience. At best you have an internship or two under your belt, but any serious student has that. The only way to separate yourself is to have a portfolio…
Implementing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in real life
My journey of implementing and internalizing the habits of highly effective people began the day I read this modern classic by Stephen Covey around 8 years ago. Over time these have become an internal part of my personality and unknowingly have been the foundation for…
Engineer your life | How to choose, plan and execute your ideal life
The need to engineer your life Up until the end of high school our lives are mostly influenced by our parents, friends, school, neighborhood and environment. We have very little control over our outside world. But after high school or college there comes a point…
Sleep faster | My routine for a productive 5 hour sleep
In the ultimate quest for productivity and balance sleep plays an important role. There are two components of sleep regarding productivity and time-management. Productivity and Sleep If you sleep well and are well rested then you have the foundation for a productive day. If your…
Can you clone Basecamp’s Hill Charts with Kanban boards
Basecamp recently released Hill Charts, an innovative way of tracking the state of your tasks and projects. That’s what Basecamp does, they help teams manage projects. But hey, LifeHQ also has projects, personal projects. Well I can’t rip off their Hill Charts, I respect them…