Treat yourself like a Computer Athlete and excel in your career and life
I first heard about the term Computer Athlete from Marshal from Ultraworking. He didn’t get too deep in the definition but the general idea is that anyone that is using computers to do their work, can be considered a Computer Athlete. These days this is…
Break the procrastination never-ending-loop
So you’ve gotten into a procrastination loop.
You’ve been putting it off for tomorrow for the past two weeks.
It only takes one day to break it, I can show you how.
Design tips for backend developers
If you want to go fast, go by yourself. If you want to go far, go with others. As solo developers, we all need to go fast at the beginning. We work on our projects in our spare time and most of the time we…
Evolution of the social Habit tracker
There is a lot of talk and hype about habits. They are the cornerstones of our behavior and our future in many ways.
A habits tracker is an essential part in any productivity enthusiasts arsenal.
FocusHub + Todoist: Finish your daily tasks in record time
Recently I’ve become a huge fan of Todoist. While I was building LifeHQ, a semi-direct competitor to Todoist, I had researched it, gave it a few spins then left it alone. But since I started focusing on FocusHub, Todoist stopped being a competitor and became…
Strategic breaks for long term productivity and breakthroughs
We all know the importance of taking breaks during our workday, we do them naturally, but at random times. However, if you are deliberate with your breaks, if you schedule them and make sure you do them properly, the productivity and creativity benefits are enormous….
The Definite guide to achieving Flow and limitless productivity
I’m sure you’ve had days when you felt super productive and unstoppable. You were completely in the moment and everything was going your way. Right there and then you were experiencing the magical Flow State. We sometimes feel this way when we’re doing something that…
the Spark and the Engine
In order to create a long lasting change in your life and your behavior, you need to understand the metaphor behind the Spark and Engine. Spark The Spark is the trigger that pushes you to make that first step and start doing something new, something…